
Showing posts from July, 2015

Everyone Draws a Line! ~

Everyone draws a line! We live in a world of increasing moral ambiguity. We want more and more to throw aside any kind of absolute that would keep us from doing whatever we want and whenever we want. This should not shock us if we see it outside the Church but it should horrify us when we see it inside the Church. It is impossible to remove lines of separation from the Christian life. It is impossible to remove the directives from scripture and retain any semblance of integrity. We are people of faith, therefore we are people of action because faith without works is dead. We must allow the Bible to reign as the authority and being the authority we admit that the scriptures have the right to command our obedience.   Allow me to wade in a bit deeper. The directives of the Bible are cut and dry. They are universal truths that should be obeyed for the Glory of God and the benefit of society. There is little wiggle room in “thou shalt not commit adultery” and the New Testament tigh